Aust Scouts Logo

Grant Success

Pathway and Ramp
New Hall Floor
Scouts Rock - Abseil Gear
New Deck
Canoe Trailer
Safe Hall Access - Pathway and Ramp Safety First - Replace Our Floor Scouts Rock Safety First - Replace Our Floor                      C A N O E
Thanks to the Australian Government, NSW Government, and the City of Parramatta for providing us with grant funding for recent projects.
Aust Govt NSW Govt City of Parramatta
Volunteer Grant 2022 - Hall BBQ 2022 - Safe Hall Painting 2019 - Cover Up
2022 - Techno Scouts - Ensuring Our Digital Future 2019 - Safety First - Replace Our Floor 2018 - Scouts Rock
2020 - Community Energy Efficiency & Solar Grant
2016 - Energy Efficiency Project 2016 - Creating Active Nurturing Outdoor Experiences
Volunteer Grant 2018 - Hike Equipment/Fuel Vouchers 2014 - Safe Hall Access - Pathway and Ramp